API Docs for: v2.7.0

File: addon/components/models-table/row-group-toggle.js

import Component from '@ember/component';
import layout from '../../templates/components/models-table/row-group-toggle';
import {get} from '@ember/object';

 * Component is used to toggle rows group visibility
 * Don't override this component. Use [groupingRowComponent](Components.ModelsTable.html#property_groupingRowComponent) (it may extend this one)
 * @namespace Components
 * @class ModelsTableRowGroupToggle
 * @extends Ember.Component
export default Component.extend({

   * Determines if `stopPropagation` should be called for event-handlers in the current component
   * @property stopEventsPropagation
   * @type boolean
   * @default true
  stopEventsPropagation: true,

   * Bound from {{#crossLink "Components.ModelsTableRowGrouping/groupIsCollapsed:property"}}groupIsCollapsed{{/crossLink}}
   * @property groupIsCollapsed
   * @type boolean
   * @default null
  groupIsCollapsed: null,

   * Bound from {{#crossLink "Components.ModelsTableRowGrouping/groupedValue:property"}}groupedValue{{/crossLink}}
   * @type *
   * @property groupedValue
   * @default null
  groupedValue: null,

   * List of all rows group items
   * If rows group is last on the page, not all it's items may be shown. Use `visibleGroupedItems` to get rows group items shown on the current table's page
   * @type object[]
   * @property groupedItems
   * @default null
  groupedItems: null,

   * List of rows group items shown on the current table page
   * @type object[]
   * @property visibleGroupedItems
   * @default null
  visibleGroupedItems: null,

   * List of selected rows group items
   * @type object[]
   * @property selectedGroupedItems
   * @default null
  selectedGroupedItems: null,

   * List of expanded rows group items
   * @type object[]
   * @property expandedGroupedItems
   * @default null
  expandedGroupedItems: null,

   * Bound from {{#crossLink "Components.ModelsTable/currentGroupingPropertyName:property"}}ModelsTable.currentGroupingPropertyName{{/crossLink}}
   * @property currentGroupingPropertyName
   * @type string
   * @default null
  currentGroupingPropertyName: null,

   * Bound from {{#crossLink "Components.ModelsTable/displayGroupedValueAs:property"}}ModelsTable.displayGroupedValueAs{{/crossLink}}
   * @property displayGroupedValueAs
   * @type string
   * @default null
  displayGroupedValueAs: null,

   * Bound from {{#crossLink "Components.ModelsTable/visibleProcessedColumns:property"}}ModelsTable.visibleProcessedColumns{{/crossLink}}
   * @property visibleProcessedColumns
   * @type ModelsTableColumn[]
   * @default null
  visibleProcessedColumns: null,

   * Bound from {{#crossLink "Components.ModelsTable/themeInstance:property"}}ModelsTable.themeInstance{{/crossLink}}
   * @property themeInstance
   * @type object
   * @default null
  themeInstance: null,

   * Closure action {{#crossLink "Components.ModelsTable/actions.toggleGroupedRows:method"}}ModelsTable.actions.toggleGroupedRows{{/crossLink}}
   * @event toggleGroupedRows
  toggleGroupedRows: null,

   * Closure action {{#crossLink "Components.ModelsTable/actions.toggleGroupedRowsSelection:method"}}ModelsTable.actions.toggleGroupedRowsSelection{{/crossLink}}
   * @event toggleGroupedRowsSelection
  toggleGroupedRowsSelection: null,

   * Closure action {{#crossLink "Components.ModelsTable/actions.toggleGroupedRowsExpands:method"}}ModelsTable.actions.toggleGroupedRowsExpands{{/crossLink}}
   * @event toggleGroupedRowsExpands
  toggleGroupedRowsExpands: null,

   * Closure action {{#crossLink "Components.ModelsTable/actions.sendAction:method"}}ModelsTable.actions.sendAction{{/crossLink}}
   * @event sendAction
  sendAction: null,

  actions: {

     * Calls passed `toggleGroupedRows`
     * @method actions.toggleGroupedRows
     * @param {Event} e user-interaction event
     * @returns {undefined}
    toggleGroupedRows(e) {
      get(this, 'toggleGroupedRows')(get(this, 'groupedValue'));
      if (e && get(this, 'stopEventsPropagation')) {
     * Calls passed `toggleGroupedRowsSelection`
     * @method actions.toggleGroupedRowsSelection
     * @param {Event} e user-interaction event
     * @returns {undefined}
    toggleGroupedRowsSelection(e) {
      get(this, 'toggleGroupedRowsSelection')(get(this, 'groupedValue'));
      if (e && get(this, 'stopEventsPropagation')) {
     * Calls passed `toggleGroupedRowsExpands`
     * @method actions.toggleGroupedRowsExpands
     * @param {Event} e user-interaction event
     * @returns {undefined}
    toggleGroupedRowsExpands(e) {
      get(this, 'toggleGroupedRowsExpands')(get(this, 'groupedValue'));
      if (e && get(this, 'stopEventsPropagation')) {